Day: October 1, 2021

Crusher Crusher on Her Wall

Crusher crusher on her wall. He’s the dumbest of them all? The preacher preaches the south side of his logic in memes that paint his anguish in comedy. Ah ah!The laughs that ricochet pain through the corners of his now found reality, tearing through the veil that blinds him. Like a kick that wakes you up,he is found questioning his



Originally written by Akanle Jesus Abdullah – @JesusWritesThis here is a rewrite. I saw her again,right around the corner of clarity,just when I was about to get off,counting my steps to freedom,I saw her. the traitor who lured me into the depths of her wonder.The passion I gave in to,my wander lust,my purple thrill,my bane. This time she had with