Category: Personal Development

Your Connections Matter

So you are like WiFi, the people you connect to are like hotspot. Some are secure, some are insecure. Either way, once you connect, you use their access to connect to the world; that’s like using their point of view to see the world.If their point of view is slow, guess what happens to yours? On the other hand, you


Love is a product of value

They say that nobody loves you, and that should be a source of focus, they lied!The mere fact that you are reading this text means someone loves you; your father, mother that birthed you and the God that made them not flush you down the toilet. If you think no one love you, look in the mirror and breathe. Being


We are nobodies

Who exactly are you?If you answered “nobody” or “nothing” then you may just be about right.From birth no one is programmed to think a certain way. However growing in certain environments influence and shape our thoughts and actions. Then, it is suffice to say that our experiences shape who we are, who we become. With this insight, it’d be clear


You’re a fake and I have proof!

You’re a fake and I have proof! Today you’re better than you were yesterday. To me that means you are a better version of you yesterday and yesterday’s version of you is now a fake. In that same regard, your today’s version will be a fake of tomorrow’s version. See, every finished product was once a raw material and after