Ink Kingdom Writers

Ink Kingdom Writers Community.
Our goal is to aid members to grow their writing skills towards earning a living, impacting the world or relieving stress. Serving you better is our foremost priority. As a member, the following rules help maintain/foster community growth.

As a member, you can contribute by sharing content that can help members develop their writing skills.
You get access to writing gigs – contract work or employment when available.
You get informed on bootcamps or writing milestones you can participate in voluntarily or for rewards.

Any content that does not aid community growth is disallowed

1. No posting of non-writing ads, projects, or business as this will subject to ex-communication.

2. Endeavor to have an agreement with any person before you start the offer.

Agreement includes

  • Date to start the job
  • Date to complete, and
  • The rate at which you want to work.
I look forward to writing with you.
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Inkdom Creed

I am a sorcerer,
for the ink speaks to me in a language I only can transcribe.
Sometimes, the ink speaks not but vibe,
A rhythm that embodies me with flow

sometimes black,
sometimes blue
some rhymes lack
some rhymes glue

causing pains to sink
or joys to grow
some make them think,
some are for show

when the ink speaks,
through me
hearts glow

I am an Inker. Let my ink speak to you

Ink Notes

La vida loca

La vida loca

April 19, 2022 Poetry

The part of the world we live in todayburns daylight faster in our furnished dungeon,forcing

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